
Hi sfi teacher!
Thank you for helping us to bring forth the refugees / migrants voice in Sweden !

Many municipalities in Sweden choose to participate in our survey Invandrar Index – the new Swedes’ voice.

The purpose is: municipalities to know what refugees/migrants think is good, what can be improved and if there are any good ideas for improvements in the municipality. Since there are many interviews in general, we also help different authorities, organizations and boards to make better decisions based on immigrants’ point of view when they take share of the results. Those who formulated the questions, funded the project and took part in the results are, in addition to county administrations and regions, Almi, Building and Planning Department, The Public Health Agency of Sweden , University of Gothenburg, LO, MUCF, Migration Department, Swedish Sports Confederation, SABO, SACO, Economy Facts, UNHCR, National Board of Health and Welfare, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Umeå University and The governments official investigations.

Hopefully there will be a more objective debate in the media

All students who read SFI in the municipalities and at the education organizers centres, contracted by the municipalities get help to fill in the questionnaire directly on computers. Students fill in the form during their lessons time when they have access to cell-phones, tablets or computers.

Smarphones / mobile phones do not work out of the Tigrin language, you have to use computers for those who want to fill in the form on tigrinja.

The links to the questionnaires can be found on the homepage of this website. There, the students can choose whether to fill in the form in Swedish, English, Arabic, Somali, Spanish or Tigrinja. To get an overview of the questions, they look this pdf file . You can save this to your computer.

We suggest that you first tell them that it is important to know what refugees/migrants think in order to improve the Swedish reception and integration. Tell them that the interview is confidential.

Students do not fill in any name or any other identification. We do not know who sat at any computer or even which students were in the classroom. Just let the students follow the link to the questionnaire and help them understand what the questions mean. If you are unsure, it is better to tick “do not know” than to answer when you do not understand the question.

When you present the project for students to fill out the questionnaires, please use this template.

The interview takes about an hour to complete in Swedish, of course depending on how far you have got to learn Swedish. Students may use dictionary for translation.
Two weeks after the students in the municipality filled in the answers, you can see the results on this website. You can break down the answers in cross-tables on for instance, municipality, gender, country, highly educated, etc

If any question arises, you can reach Fredrik Lundvall on
070 – 650 72 12 or mail to info@invandrarindex.se

When you are done with the interviews in your municipality, we hope that you as a teacher will follow this link and answer some questions in order to develop forms and methods.

Thank you for taking the time to help your students answer the questions and do not hesitate to hear your questions, rice or praise!

Fredrik Lundvall

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