In today’s society, our new Swedes are an important and growing part of the local and regional development and offer a great potential for the labor market and entrepreneurship.
Several of those involved in Invandrarindex have a background as market researcher. A few years ago we received a question about the new arrived immigrants’ experiences of reception and integration. When we searched for answers from the authorities and the universities, we discovered that the information was completely missing, at least at the nation wide level.
In other contexts, it is more or less given that suppliers of goods and services, whether they are companies, authorities or organizations, know how their customers perceive them and their products. However, not in this area.
The lack of knowledge about newly arrived immigrants and their experiences is the main reason that we started Invandrarindex – the new Swedes’ voice.
Through our interviews, which raise questions about the background, lifestyle, experiences from the reception and expectations for the future, we produce reports that illustrate how the newly arrived immigrants experienced how does it feel to come to their new counry – Sweden. These reports are the ground for how different parts of the integration process can be improved and streamlined.
Some of the areas mapped
- Reception: Experience and improvement areas
- Health: Status and needs
- Family Relationship: Current Situation and Intentions
- Work: Occupational background and interests
- Entrepreneurship: Experience and Will
- Education: Level and ambitions
- Accommodation: Current and future wishes
- Security: Safety and Anxiety
- Leisure: Interests and association contacts
Methodology and questionnaire development takes place in consultation with researchers as well as authorities, organizations and companies that work with or take into account the situation of a newly arrived immigrant.
We are looking forward to continue developing Invandrarindex together with partners and customers.